CITS Fitter Entrance Exam Syllabus 2025
CITS Fitter Entrance Exam Syllabus 2025: Crack the CITS Fitter Entrance Exam 2025: Your Complete Syllabus Guide: If you want to become an instructor in the fitter trade, you will have to take the CITS (Crafts Instructor Training Scheme) Fitter Entrance Exam. This exam is conducted by the DGT (Directorate General of Training) and is held at the national level. After passing this exam, you will have to do the CITS course, after which you can become a certified fitter instructor.
CITS Entrance Exam Fitter AICET Examination Pattern:
- CITS Fitter Exam Mode: The AICET Fitter entrance examination will be conducted online.
- Duration: The CITS Fitter Entrance exam duration is two hours.
- Question Type: The question paper will consist of objective-type questions (multiple-choice questions).
- Exam Structure: The exam pattern is divided into two sections:
- Fitter Trade Related Questions (75%): 75% of the questions will be related to the ITI level of the Fitter trade the candidate has applied for admission to. These questions will assess the candidate’s knowledge and understanding of their Fitter trade.
- Aptitude Questions (25%): 25% of the questions will be designed to assess the candidate’s aptitude. This section will cover areas such as:
- Logical Reasoning
- Numerical Ability
- General Reasoning Skills
CITS Fitter Entrance Exam Detailed Syllabus
Fitter Trade Related Questions (75%): 75% questions of objective type (multiple choice type) of ITI level related to the trade applied for admission.
- व्यवसायिक सुरक्षा एवं स्वास्थ्य (Occupational Safety and Health)
- माप और मापक औजार (Measurement and Measuring Tools)
- हस्त औजार (Hand Tools)
- फोर्जिंग और फोर्जिंग औजार (Forging and Forging Tools)
- लेथ मशीन (Lathe Machine)
- ड्रिल तथा ड्रिलिंग संक्रियाएँ (Drill and Drilling Operations)
- टैप और डाई (Tap and Die)
- वेल्डिंग (Welding)
- सोल्डरिंग एवं ब्रेजिंग (Soldering and Brazing)
- शीट मैटल औजार (Sheet Metal Tools)
- धातु एवं धातुओं के गुण (Metal and Properties of Metals)
- ऊष्मा उपचार (Heat Treatment)
- स्नेहन एवं शीतलन (Lubrication and Cooling)
- अन्तर्परिवर्तनीयता, लिमिट, फिट एवं टॉलरेन्स (Interchangeability, Limit, Fit and Tolerance)
- जिग एवं फिक्स्चर (Jig and Fixture)
- बियरिंग (Bearings)
- शक्ति पारेषण के तत्व (Elements of Power Transmission)
- ग्राइडिंग तथा सतह परिष्करण प्रक्रम (Grinding and Surface Finishing Process)
- बन्धक एवं लॉकिंग युक्तियाँ (Fastners and Locking Devices)
- रिवेट और रिवेटिंग औजार (Rivet and Riveting Tools)
- पाइप फिटिंग (Pipe Fitting)
- स्थापना में सहायक युक्तियाँ (Auxiliary Devices in Installation)
- टेम्पलेट एवं गेज (Template and Gauges)
- स्क्रू थेड्स और चॉबी (Screw Threads and Keys)
- रीमर (Reamer)
- शेपर, प्लेनर एवं स्लाटर (Shaper, Planer and Slotter)
- मिलंग मशीन (Milling Machine)
- गुणवत्ता नियंत्रण एवं अनुरक्षण (Quality Control and Maintenance)
- मौलिक CNC तकनीक (Basic CNC Technology)
- इंजीनियरिंग ड्राइंग (Engineering Drawing)
Aptitude Questions (25%): 25% questions of objective type pertaining to Aptitude (Logical, Numeric and Reasoning).
Mathematics Topic
- संख्या पद्धति (Number System)
- सरलीकरण (Simplification)
- घातांक व करणी (Indices and Surds)
- दशमलव- भिन्नें (Decimal Fractions)
- लघुत्तम तथा महत्तम समापवर्तक (Least Common Multiple and Highest Common Factor) – also known as LCM and HCF
- अनुपात-समानुपात (Ratio and Proportion)
- औसत (Average)
- लाभ व हानि (Profit and Loss)
- प्रतिशतता (Percentage)
- मिश्रण (Mixture)
- कार्य एवं समय (Work and Time)
- पाइप व टंकी (Pipes and Cisterns)
- आयु संबंधी प्रश्न (Age Related Problems)
- साधारण व चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज (Simple and Compound Interest)
- चाल, समय व दूरी (Speed, Time and Distance)
- रेलगाड़ी (Trains)
- नाव व धारा (Boats and Streams)
- ज्यामिति (Geometry)
- क्षेत्रमिति (Mensuration)
- बीजगणित (Algebra)
- निर्देशांक ज्यामितीय (Coordinate Geometry)
- त्रिकोणमिति (Trigonometry)
- सादृश्यता (Analogy)
- कोडिंग-डिकोडिंग (Coding-Decoding)
- वर्गीकरण (Classification)
- श्रृंखला परीक्षण (Series Test)
- लुप्त पद/अक्षर/संख्या/आकृति (Missing Term/Letter/Number/Figure)
- दिशा परीक्षण (Direction Test)
- रक्त सम्बन्ध (Blood Relation)
- अंकगणितीय तर्कशक्ति (Arithmetical Reasoning)
- क्रम एवं बैठक व्यवस्था (Ranking and Seating Arrangement)
- न्याय निगमन (Syllogism)
- आरेख पर आधारित प्रश्न (Diagram Based Questions)
- शब्द निर्माण/वर्णमाला परीक्षण (Word Formation/Alphabet Test)
- घड़ी/कैलेण्डर (Clock/Calendar)
- आकृति निर्माण व विभाजन (Figure Formation and Partition)
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